This promise eventually proved to be untrue, as the New Republic collapsed from within. The New Confederacy won many battles during the war, but the New Republic refused to bow down without a long and difficult fight. The New CIS movement struck fear into the hearts of countless New Republic citizens, mostly due to the presence of Darth Tyler, the Supreme Commander of the droid armies.
The war lasted for many years and tore the galaxy apart. After the New Republic revealed that its New Grand Army of the Republic on Coruscant, the New CIS was forced to attack major Republic worlds. After some time, the rising tensions led to the outbreak of the New CIS/GDE Wars. The rise of the New CIS led to a great deal of tension between it and the New Republic. Many mega-corporations that were once members of the first Confederacy of Independent Systems joined the New CIS hoping to succeed where the first movement failed.
The New Confederacy of Independent Systems, sometimes referred to as the New CIS or the New Separatists, was the government of former Separatists worlds formed by Troyb that replaced the Separatist holdouts in its quest to rule the Galaxy. Troyb, during the formation of the New CIS With this new army, I will destroy all those who oppose me!